
Digital Marketing Coaching & Training

Digital Marketing Coaching for Business Growth

Let us help you build a marketing machine to generate leads or eCommerce sales so you can squeeze every last dollar out of your marketing budget.


Learn how to build a marketing machine that generates leads and sales on demand when you need them.

Would you like to grow leads, sales and profits? Would you like to learn how to run your own digital marketing in house?  WANT TO LEARN HOW TO LEVERAGE DIGITAL MARKETING TO GROW SALES, BOOKINGS AND PROFIT?

Let’s identify the key projects that need to happen for you to grow your business and prioritize them. 



Are you keen to run your digital marketing in house but not sure where to start? Want to learn how to set up a marketing funnel to bring clients, leads and sales into your business? Want to learn how to scale campaigns? Then our 8 week growth marketing course is for you. 


Tailored to your skill level, your business and it’s goals.


Measurement & Analytics
What is our data telling us? What needs to change to help us grow.
Digital Marketing Strategy
How can we turn our website into a cash machine.

CRO – Conversion Rate Optimisation
How can refine and improve our sales funnel so we make more sales from the same website traffic.

Facebook & Instagram Ads
How utilise facebook and Instagram to attract new and repeat customers.

Google Adwords
How can we get more quality traffic from the search engines and improve our adword spend.

S.E.O ( Search Engine Optimisation)
How to get more free traffic to your website and improve on existing traffic.

Content & Blog Marketing
How can we create killer content that pre-sells our products and services and get it in front of our ideal customer?

Email Marketing
How do we use email to grow sales and extend the customer life cycle.

This is not for you if:

You already know how to buy traffic with predictability and scale campaigns

You have no marketing budget are not willing to invest in your business.

You know how to increase return on ad spend and profit from digital marketing

You are an ecommerce or lead generation pro.


This is for you if:

You want to learn how to buy traffic with predictability and scale marketing campaigns.

You are ready to invest in your business and you have a marketing budget.

You want to train a junior or mid level marketer in digital.

You want to learn how to manage your agency.


Growth Marketing Coaching for Leads or Ecommerce Sales

Growth Marketing Coaching For LEADS SALES

Want to run your marketing in house but not sure how to crack digital? We will teach you how to build a marketing machine in 8 weeks and start generating leads during those 8 weeks for your sales team to convert.


Growth Marketing Coaching for Ecommerce & Sales

Want to grow your ecommerce sales and not sure what needs to change to grow conversions, sales and reduce the cost to buy a customer? We will teach you how to build a marketing machine in 8 weeks to generate sales and encourage repeat business.


The training is tailored to your business goals and the marketing channels that will work best for your business.  We have modules on a number of topics which we will customise based on your level of knowledge, industry and where you will get the most value.




  1. Your Money Metrics – Knowing your numbers and how to buy leads and sales with predictability
  2. Measurement plan – Get the data you need to scale campaigns and increase profitability and learn how to interpret analytics
  3. Your Target Market – Turning on a stream of targeted ready to buy customers
  4. Conversion Copywritinand Landing Pages– Turn your website into your best sales person
  5. Facebook & Instagram Ads – How to clone your best customers, buy leads and sales and get more return on ad spend from your social advertising.
  6. Google Ads – How to get into the phones, tablets, computers and smart televisions of your ideal customer and convince them to buy
  7. Linked In – How to connect with your ideal customer and build a rapport
  8. Video Marketing – How to build authority and create viral video content
  9. Customer Journey Mapping – How to structure your advertising to attract, educate and convert more strangers into customers and x3 your conversions
  10. Conversion Rate Optimisation: How Turn more website visitors into paying customers.
  11. How to scale campaigns for more return on ad spend and profitability



“Client X” went from 3x Return on Ad Spend to 28x and Increased sales from $35,000 a month to $156,000 in 5 months.

Before: Before she started working with us she was being taken advantage of by an Agency who were taking 15% commission, giving away 25% of per profit in discounts to get a sale, with the cost of goods she was making little profit.

What we did: She started with the “8 week Growth Marketing Course for Ecommerce” where she learnt how to build a marketing machine to attract, educate & convert more strangers into customers without giving a discount and keep them coming back again and again.

After: Now she has a marketing machine that attracts new customers, paying full price, she makes more profit on every sale, she has 4x her monthly turnover, and she has gone from putting $1 into marketing to make $3 to put $1 into marketing to make $28.


What our customers are saying?

“EM built our conversion rate optimised eCommerce website (after another agency built us a killed our sales). Now our website is a great sales person. They have also been managing our google ads and marketing for over 10 years. “


“They built us a new Shopify eCommerce website and run our digital marketing. Over the last two years she has quadrupled our conversion rate”

Client B

“I am a coaching client of Lucy’s and she also built my website. I have gone from getting x3 return on ad spend with my old agency to  28x Return on ad spend AND we have quadrupled my sales my without having to give huge discounts.”

Client m

We now make in a month what we use to make in a year

Client E

Ready to get more leads and sales?

Organise a quick marketing audit to find out what needs to change to help you grow.